Meet our New Team Member: Sofia Seldemirova

We’re happy to announce that we have a new addition to our team, Sofia Seldemirova, who brings her knowledge of golf to our business team. Sofia is an elite athlete studying Marketing and Communications Technology at the Ohio State University and representing the university Women’s Golf Team in Division 1. She is also representing her country, Bulgaria, as a national team player across championships in Europe and the USA.

How did you first get into golf?

It happened very randomly, and for me there is no “cool” story behind it. My family and I used to go to the Black Sea coast a lot when I was little. So, on one of the occasions, we decided to check out the new golf course in the area. I tried to play and instantly fell in love with the game. Since then it has become an irreplaceable part of my life. 

What is the best thing about playing golf? 

I truly love how unique and challenging every single golf round is. No matter if it is my home course or not; no matter how sharp my shape is at the moment, every game brings some new skills, tasks, and situations.

Your funniest moment whilst playing golf? 

Well, it was not as funny at the moment when it happened, but I remember once playing a tournament on one of the coldest and most rainy days. For some reason, our group had to call the referee 4 holes in a row to the furthest part of the track. I have never seen an official being so mad at players while all the girls were almost rolling on the ground from laughing. He left for the 4th time laughing and saying that if we have one more rule issue until the end of the round, he will “cut our throats”. Guess what? The round ended with no other problems encountered.

First course you’ve ever played?

I believe that it is BlackSeaRama Golf and Spa in Bulgaria. My family and I used to visit this place a lot in the past, and I am sure that it is the track I completed my first round on.

Your favorite golf destination and why?

I love Southern California coast and its venues, We come back to this beautiful place every year with the college team, and I never get tired of playing there. 

The course you’d play if you just had one more round to play?

Probably Halmstad GC in Sweden. I have a lot of great memories associated with this place so playing there for one last time would definitely be a treat!

The most scenic course you played:

Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course in Hawaii that I had a chance to play on with my college team last March right before COVID made travelling so difficult. It is such an amazing place, and I really hope to come back soon enough! 

The #1 course on your bucket list:

I have to say that it would be Augusta National (as it is for many golfers around the world!). Every time I watch the Masters, I realize that if there is one place that I really-really want to play at, it would be this incredible venue.

Your favorite pro on tour and why? 

Henrik Stenson. I think that he is true representation of real athleticism, and I really love his aggressive and committed style of playing.

Questions about All Square: 

What makes All Square stand out from other websites and apps in golf?

All Square is the only golf application on the market that combines all the necessary features that create an integrated golf community experience. There are countless scoring apps, there is a lot of information online about various courses, but All Square unites it all on one platform.

What is your favorite feature on All Square? 

I love the interactive map feature that allows the user to “pin” all of the venues that a player has played on, as well as the possibility to create a wish list for the future. 

How did you first discover All Square?

Several of my friends in the past were using the app to check out various golf locations around the world. I did not use it that much in the beginning, but at the moment it is definitely my go-to as it provides a wide variety of information, features and possibilities to make your golf experience even more exceptional.

Complete the sentence: What I like the most about All Square is…

…that it unites people with the same passion and love for golf in one place no matter where you physically are.

Rapid fire questions: 

Hitting long drives or sinking long putts? 

Sinking putts all day long!

If you could win a major which one would it be?

U.S. Women’s Open Championship

Favorite golf equipment brand 

That is a tough one given that I have several brands present in my golf bag at the moment. However, I have been very happy with my TaylorMade clubs in the past couple of years.

Favorite golf clothing brand 


Your dream four ball 

My coach – Steven Palmer, Tiger, and probably Lexi Thompson.

Your lowest score

I shot 65 (-7) twice in my career, both happened in 2017. One took place in Penati Golf Resort, Slovakia on one of the local amateur tournaments, and another one was during the second round of Annika Invitational Europe on Halmstad GC. It felt amazing to break the course record by 1 stroke after 20 years of it standing still. 

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