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Golf’s governing bodies have issued safety guidelines for golf clubs and golfers across the world to follow once Covid-19 lockdown measures have been eased. The guidelines are centred around social distancing and will change the way we play golf in order to stay safe.
In those countries where golf clubs are already open or are about to be reopened (follow our live update), respective governing bodies have issued similar guidelines. Click here for a live update of every country’s decision to open golf course.
There will be variations on specific guidelines for each country, but this summary of the guidelines issued by the UK’s governing bodies in collaboration with the R&A are reflective of those issued by golf’s governing bodies around the world.
• Prioritise online services for entries, bookings and scoring
• Take payments using contactless means or online prior to the game
• Players with any colds or coughs or any symptoms of COVID19 should be asked not to play
• Golf is permitted for one-balls or two-balls
• Locker rooms should be closed
• Shotgun starts with people congregating before and after are discouraged
• Golf buggies should be taken out of use or used by single individuals
• Remove rakes and any other pieces of course furniture that golfers may touch
• Ball cleaners taken out of play
• Airlines for cleaning shoes should be closed
• Insist on social distancing (2 metres rule) on tee grounds, greens and throughout the rounds
• Always leave the flag in the hole
• Do not use rakes
• Golfers should only pick their own ball up
• Do not share any equipment, such as golf clubs or rangefinders
• Don’t shake hands before or after your game
• Use online scorecards where possible
Some clubs in the US, Australia and Denmark have reopened – but certain guidelines have to be followed. The National Golf Course Owners Association in America, the Sports Confederation of Denmark and Golf Australia have issued similar guidelines, summarised here:
• Social golf only. Competitions, club matches and other competitive formats still banned
• Golf is permitted for one-balls or two-balls
• Groups are at least 10 minutes apart and playing partners remain at least two metres apart
• Flagsticks must not be touched
• Ball washers and rakes all out of use.
• Arrive at the club no more than 10 minutes before tee time and leave immediately after playing
We will keep our users informed of any new guidelines and developments as soon as they are announced. We are all hoping that life gets back to normal soon, but until then we will unfortunately all have to follow these guidelines.
Follow our live update of countries where golf clubs are already open or are about to be reopened:
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